Oil on Linen, 18" X 24"
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
Today while gallery sitting at The Descanso Gardens, I painted the "High Desert". One visitor said, "you are painting and listening to glorious music, can you wish for anything more?" Sincerely, I answered, no. He went on to tell his grandchildren, see what she is doing, this lady is a famous artist! I was very careful not to blow his story by laughing. It was a wonderful day, made even better as I was able to write up two paintings by Belinda DelPesco (check out her blog listed to the right) for a gentleman that is moving from Virginia to sunny California. (I am using the term write up rather then sell because the paintings sold themselves. Exquisite!
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Purchase from the artistThe half frozen lake at R-Ranch had hundreds of ducks, nibbling, preening and floating. The lake really was frozen, I pushed my boot against a sheet of ice near the shore, sending out cracks several feet away from the pressure. Can you imagine being so well insulated that you could float around in ice water perfectly comfortable?
Oil on Canvas, 6" X 8"
Out on horseback I came across this view during last weekends trip to R-Ranch in the Sequoias. Snow was splashed about in the shade and gully's that the sun couldn't reach. It was perfect for sunny Southern California painters that aren't conditioned for cold. We painted the snow without suffering!
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
Painting along side this tiny ice cold creek the light shifted by the second. Within an hour the oil paint was so chilly that it quit working, becoming unwilling to mix or move on the panel. Being from Southern California I am not on to the tricks of the high country painters, something that I need to investigate.
Oil on panel, 7" X 5"
Last weekend as we traveled to the Redwood forest on the road following the Kern River this stunning view appeared. Our small group of painters past the golden sycamores reflecting in the lazy water with visions of pine trees and snow ahead of us.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
I am hanging my "gone painting" shingle. A small band of plein air painters are headed to the Redwoods. We will be staying at a ranch with horses, a lake, forests and a short drive to the "giants". A trip such as this provides new inspiration and is a wonderful kick off to the New Year.
16" X 20", Oil on canvas
Today I was pondering of what to paint for you. My thoughts drifted back to last summer while I was painting in Idaho. The brush started dancing on the linen and before I knew what was happening I was painting the view that I absorbed each afternoon. This bank of trees lined the meadow behind the Blue Heron Inn, where I lodged.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
We have clouds.....so rarely do we have clouds. Driving, I am having difficulty not rear ending the vehicles in front of me because my attention is in the sky. Clouds make shadows upon one another, they make patterns on the ground below and the colors within colors are glorious.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Another artist saw this painting and told me that she knew exactly where these trees live. I thought that seemed impossible, Southern California has sycamore trees along stream beds everywhere. She pulled out a photograph of her painting and sure enough it was the exact same location and trees. She chose a shady spot in the creek under the first tree. Again I am reminded how intimate painters become with each view. In case you are curious these lovely sycamores live along Placerita Creek in the Nature Center. They are almost naked now.....
Oil on Linen, 16" X 20" sold
End of the road in the small village of Val Verde. This painting was a quick plein air, color notes for a future studio piece. Surprising what a bit of rain can do.
Oil on panel, 6" X 8"
Finally, long awaited rain, drifting down from the sky. The creeks ran, branches twinkled and I am sure I could hear the ground slurping with glee.
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
Lady Face Mountain sits south of the 101 Freeway in Agoura. This painting was created from the small study done a few weeks ago. All it needs is a frame and off it will go to it's new home that faces this mountain.
One comment on mountain paintings. As I study the gulleys, fingers, cliffs and all the undulations that make up the structure of the range it's amazing to me how intimate my relationship with the mountain becomes. I would recognize this range now in any painting or photograph instantly. It's similar to the experience of painting a portrait. You learn every inch of the persons face so intensely that it you are connected to the sitter way beyond normal observation. A relationship is created like none other.
Oil on Canvas, 18" X 24"