Oil on Panel, 5" X 7"
Personal note, on my easel is a 30" X 40" commissioned canvas, I really need to keep my head in this important painting. I'll post now and then but until this piece is done, no promises.
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
Nine artists met at Vasquez Rocks, site of Star Trek filming and early 1900's bank robbers hideout. It was the Santa Clarita Artists Plein Air event for the month, with yours truly as the ring leader. Actually I just arrange the date, upon arrival the artists drift out into the wilderness following their own mojo. I painting happily, till shivering I had 10 minutes till the ranger pad locked the gate for the night.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
A couple of days ago Tammy Marashlian, a staff writer for The Signal newspaper emailed, interest in writing a story on "Chasing Open Spaces III", an exhibit that is hanging at the Canyon Theatre Guild Hallway Gallery. Today, we met with Lorelle Miller, another participating artist, telling Tammy all we could about the project. Then we walked down the road a bit to an open field and spent the next couple of hours painting while she watched and Francisca, the staff photographer took photos. Lorelle and I throughly enjoyed our time painting, just like kids playing their favorite game, I hope that Tammy and Francisca enjoyed their afternoon too. It's not very often that people watch us paint.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
This morning I headed out to Eaton Canyon to meet up with the Thursday Morning Irregulars to paint. I have missed their friendship and good humor more then I realized, it's been a while since I have been able to participate. I am including two photographs, the photo on the bottom is inaccurate with light catching the paint and washed out darks, the photo on the top is what the painting looks like sitting on my studio easel and is more accurate. This is a very clear example of how the photography can kill a painting.
Oil on Linen, 8" X 10"
For those of you who know the Frazier Park exit off the 5 freeway, this is the view at the little bridge behind the Jack In The Box, looking toward the Tejon Ranch. As far as painting it's cold and windy, the rewards are the hues of fall, full of gold.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
$110.00, unframed, shipped U.S.
To Make A Purchase Inquiry from LauraDriving up the narrow road to May Lake this little creek shadows you, meandering near and far. I knew at once that someday I wanted to paint the rocks and fallen logs, today was the day.
Oil on Linen, 12" X 16"
Today driving past the Cottonwood trees in the Santa Clara Riverbed, I remembered the Aspens of Colorado, standing tall along the trails. Here is my version of "Aspens In Fall".
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"