Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
Monday, March 30, 2009
"Serenity In The Afternoon" ©
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"Sierra Spring" ©
If you go back a few days I painted a small (5" X 7") study of this scene. Some changes have been made and now that it's up on the computer screen I see more to do but it's on it's way to being a painting. It's just a bit to "organized", and landscapes in general never are. Another way to say it is, random is much more appealing.
Oil on Canvas, 20" X 24"
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"Lyons Canyon Ranch" ©
My plein air buddy Lorelle and I ventured into a new canyon. It's a toss up when we go somewhere new, whether to just hike in and check out the views, or haul our painting gear and just see what we can find. Both of us were anxious to paint, so we opted to haul the gear. We ended up painting about 25 feet from each other, yet picking completely different scenes to paint. I was tickled by this palm tree that was completely alone and out of it's element. Lorelle picked the distant oaks surrounding a silver meadow. We both agreed that this lovely canyon has many more paintings to offer. Spring hasn't quite sprung yet, so we'll be heading back for the wildflowers very soon.
Oil on Linen panel, 8" X 10"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Reflections" ©
Hard to believe but Legoland is a wonderland for painters. There are lovely vignettes of waterways, trees and gardens. It would be a great location for a paint out.
Oil on canvas, 6" X 8"
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Eaton Canyon Oak" ©
This morning the "Thursday Morning Irregulars" went painting in Eaton Canyon, near Pasadena. At the end the lovable ring leader, Walt McNall offered suggestions to each painter. He suggested I make my painting more colorful and less spooky, which I attempted to do this evening. Tomorrow we are packing for a railroad trip in our Speeder in Linden, California, called the "Blossom Run" and we will be back Monday.
Oil on Panel, 8" X 10"
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"Sierra Study" ©
Sunday, March 15, 2009
"Cruising" ©
Another of the white duck gang that cruises in and around the Venice Canals. I really liked the expression of serenity on this one.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
"Whitney Canyon" ©
The Santa Clarita Artists' Association had our monthly paint out in Whitney Canyon today. Every where your eye landed, a possible painting was in view. The morning chill stayed with us as the sunlight slinked in between the trees. We all painted within in a short distance of one another but in the end every painting was so very different as often happens in groups. Thank you to every one that came and a special thanks to Janet and Jean, the photographers from the Santa Clarita Photography Club and finally thank you to Henry Schultz, the Sierra Club guide that lead us into the canyon.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"Pacific Palm" ©
Near the park and ride, late in the day in San Clemente this palm was waving goodbye to the sun.
Oil on Canvas, 10"X 8"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"Floating By" ©
Monday, March 09, 2009
"Days End" ©
I shot this painting showing a bit of the easel so the whole canvas would be included. Also during the painting of this piece, I shot a video of the process. Now I just have to figure out the steps to put it up on U-Tube. The learning never ends.
My husband is working on a tiny island in the Caribbean and I hope this is what he is seeing each evening at the "Days End". We miss you Mikey!
Oil on Canvas, 20" X 24"
Friday, March 06, 2009
"Drifting By" ©
Thursday, March 05, 2009
"Lingering Light" ©
This evening for the first time, this new year, the whole world glowed, promising longer days and warmth soon.
Oil on Linen, 12" X 16"
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
"Alejandra" ©
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
"Rock Study" ©
Once in a while the tasks of everyday living become more of a priority then you might desire. Today, was one of those days. A short reprieve, painting rocks.
Oil on Canvas, 6" X 8"
Sunday, March 01, 2009
"Snowed In" ©
My brother and wife sent this image via email and I played with it in paint, thinking about their gift of the morning snow. No, they don't live in So Cal anymore. They escaped to greener pastures up in Washington, less traffic, people, taxes, just simply a better life at a slower pace.
Oil on Linen, 12" X 16"