When you surrender to an
instructor and paint exactly as directed with all of your heart the painting created is a complete stranger to you. I had the pleasure of working with C.W.
Mundy recently at the Scottsdale Artists' School, thanks to the
generosity of P. Riggs. C.W. freely passed out nuggets of painting truths for us to chew on all week. Here are a few: The difference between a “scene painting” and a powerful painting is the resolve of the piece – darkest dark and lightest light in the centrality of focus. A quality artist is an excellent director. A series of mediocre decisions creates a mediocre painting. If there is a problem in a painting, it's usually with the values. The two most important things I learned is to keep my values closer together, say 3 -7, rather then 1 - 10 and that "I" am the director and can paint in what ever way my passion leads me.
Oil on Panel, 16" X 20"