Painting on the shore of Lake Gregory the sun was shining, then clouds blew in and finally rain patted on the water. This was my first painting and standing there I was relishing the cool mountain air while getting adjusted to the variety of surrounding greens. Last weekend I was one of the artists painting the lakes in the area for the Mountain Arts Network event "Paint the Lake 2013". My number was 48, so I guess there were at least 48 of us with a possibility of a few more "w, x, y & z's". The event was so well run and organized I would recommend it. On top of the normal stuff everyone was so friendly and the painting locations gorgeous, it just can't get much better.

I had to pick one painting to enter for judging by Karl Dempwolf, California Art Club Signature Member. Of the four paintings I completed, these two were my favorites and I had to pick one to submit to the gallery. Thank goodness for email and here is why. I was able to send the image to Cassie, my daughter and tough critique and let her pick which one to enter. I still wasn't sure and headed to the gallery with both paintings under my arm to decide last minute and I ran into Harry Flock the frame dealer. Harry is an old acquaintance and was willing to get me his advice and he picked the same one. So I went with the majority vote and I am glad I did because it won 2nd Honorable Mention. All of the paintings are on exhibit and available for purchase at the Mountain Arts Network Gallery in Lake Arrowhead until September 15th.
"Lake Gregory", 11" X 14"