We didn't hike down the hill, but chose to lean against the log on the ground basking in the sun. Warm in the sun, cool in the shade, it was a picture perfect day on the coast.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
We didn't hike down the hill, but chose to lean against the log on the ground basking in the sun. Warm in the sun, cool in the shade, it was a picture perfect day on the coast.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
I have been working on this painting for a few days now. It's far enough along to post. In the morning I'll take a fresh look to see if it's actually "done". Are they ever finished? It seems I am never satisfied, always seeing one more brush stroke needed.
The first time I painted the bridle path that riders take from the equestrian campground to the ocean in Montana De Oro was several years ago. Every year I paint it again, longing to be there.
Oil on canvas, 24" X 20"
We are still waiting for rain.....this is one of thousands of dry creeks, patiently waiting.
Oil on Canvas, 9" X 12"
Today I painted all day on a commission painting, that I started yesterday. When the sun went down and I was spent, I took the big painting off my easel, put up a tiny panel and painted a country road. A very nice way to end the day.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Today I was stroking "Jessie" my daughters horse. Mindlessly, feeling the contours of her body, the direction of her coat as it shifted and I became aware of how warm she was. How warm I was leaning against her side. I can imagine that these cows out on the frozen field are feeling the warmth from one another, waiting for spring.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
The marine layer is making it's way towards Lady Face Mountain from the Pacific.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
The bug that is making it's rounds in Los Angeles, finally struck my home. We have all been ill for days and I have a show on Saturday. Today my legs wouldn't move, but I found sitting I could paint a bit. Even though the temperature was 79 degrees outside I wore my jacket all day, still freezing. This little painting probably wasn't helping. How interesting, I can't talk (silent) and I am freezing....hummm
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
I have been unable to find a trail to this pond. Driving east on the 210 Fwy, just past Wheatland, this pond tempts me on every trip. Whizzing by on the freeway I look longingly for as long as possible at 65 miles per hour, making sure I don't rear one of the huge semi-trucks in the slow lane. It doesn't seem to matter, whether it's early in the morning or the final light of the day, it's a glorious golden pond. I think that the view may warrant a large studio painting.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"