"Creekside", one of the many paintings sold at the Sierra Madre Art Festival and Art Matters, Encore! at the Huntington Library and Gardens, last weekend.
This morning I am off driving my art mobile to Carmel for the next 6 days as a juried participant in the 19th Annual Carmel Art Festival. The artists will paint 4 paintings, 2 for judging and 2 back up for sales. Sunday morning is a quick draw, which is always a challenge. My car looks like I am leaving home forever, between the 12 wired frames (you never know what will look best till you finish the paintings), painting gear, big coats (I have been told it will be cold) and all the usual traveling gear, it's a full load.
I am really excited about painting in the area of Carmel, catching up with the artists I know and learning about this event. Wish me good luck!