If you can imagine standing at the waters edge and being totally enveloped by gold. The leaves, the light and the reflections in the water, all golden. What a glorious world, and right off the 210 Freeway!
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
If you can imagine standing at the waters edge and being totally enveloped by gold. The leaves, the light and the reflections in the water, all golden. What a glorious world, and right off the 210 Freeway!
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Yesterday, driving home from the Descanso Garden Gallery I spotted this brilliant show of gold. Instantly pulling off the freeway, finding a place to park I was off and running, in search of a way to get closer to the "gold". Everywhere I turned the view took the breath out of me. I was even talking to myself about the amazing light and color. There will be several paintings out of the material gathered. Here is the first little study of Hansen Dam in the winter.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Another storm is pounding Southern California today. White dusted mountains were visable until the afternoon when the valley became veiled completely in white gauze clouds. This little painting is the view near the 14 freeway and San Fernando Road, "In Between The Storms".
Oil on Panel, 5" X 7"
Yesterday we had real rain, the creek is flowing and you can almost hear the trees sing with joy. The clouds passed overhead, sometimes letting the blue beyond peek through, at other times solid dark fluff blanketed the valley.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Caught up in the holiday chores, I went outside for break and a quick walk wondering what I would paint today. The sky was inspiring, to the west I could see the "Breaking Clouds".
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
I promised to post the commissioned duck painting that I have been working on for weeks. It's so large I can't get a decent photo but hopefully you can get the idea. Delivery was today and I was still painting on it yesterday. Are we ever done? Thank goodness for deadlines. My easel looks empty and I'll miss my fluffy feathered buddies. Now they hang over a carved marble fireplace, in a soft mint green sun room, floating peacefully forever.
Oil on canvas, 30" X 40"
Prior to visiting the Sierra's I had no idea that ducks would happily swim in ice water. As their creek froze over they would all migrate to the large lake, then later in the day when the sun had performed it's magic defrost the ducks would return to the creek. A winters day routine. Preening took up a major amount of time for this high "Sierra Duck".
Oil on canvas, 6" X 8"
While hunting for the last painting of the Sierra trip, this tiny creek came into view. We had found it the night before, exploring for a morning location, now the sunlight danced in the dry brush and just a hint of the sky reflected in the water. Happy Thanksgiving.
Oil on panel, 6" X 8"
I am hanging my "gone painting" shingle once again. We are headed to Wilits with our speeder to ride the Skunk Railroad to Fort Bragg. (If you are curious about speeders, check out http://www.narcoa.org/)
4700 ft. elevation, just before a major storm, the last of fall's gold is dangling in the sunlight. Nature naturally combines complimentary colors, in this case the yellow trees and egg blue sky. "Fall's Gold" was the first painting I painted while on an art trip last weekend to the Sierra's. We had an amazingly productive time, 14 paintings between four artists. Personally I was very lucky to have this opportunity following the John Cosby workshop, as I was able to practice his "pile" method and start tweaking it to work for me. Also Cosby's tip about keeping the paint warm, and white in your pocket paid off, as the creek froze during the night, proving that it was indeed chilly. Standing next to a small lake, painting this piece all I could hear was the faint quacking of ducks in the distance. There were painting possibilities everywhere you looked. I loved it, the air, the colors, the chilly air and warm sun.
Oil on linen panel, 9" X 12"
Walking past the row of roses that lines the dirt driveway, this beauty caught my eye. I was packing for a run up to the Sierra's to paint before the holidays consume me. Throwing caution to the wind, I played in the paint and had fun painting all of the shades of this lovely winter rose.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
I'll be off line until Monday, there are no phones or Internet access in the woods, thank goodness.
Wetcanvas.com offers a reference library for artists. An image from that library was the inspiration for this little warm up (before painting on the ducks) today. It's my "rain dance", maybe my focused exercise painting storm clouds will bring rain to our burning lands.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
John Cosby Workshop Day 5 - This morning Cosby quickly demonstrated painting a tree, using large interesting shapes, capturing the personality of the tree. Then all 15 of us fanned out to locations within the Laguna Canyon park that sits a 1/4 mile from Cosby's studio. After the morning of painting we all went back to his studio for a critique. Not the typical critique, Cosby explained how to critique your own work and with each painting explained how the painting could possibly be improved. Everyone left feeling positive about their week long efforts. In fact there was a tearful group hug at the end, a tribe had been formed. Here are a few of the reoccurring themes of the critique: Watch for predictability, vary the shapes and create randomness. Make sure your trees are grounded with some dark. Avoid sharp contrasts near the edges of the canvas, Interrupt repetition. Small jumps in value creates the feeling of air. Subdue one area of the painting to streighten another areal. Provide an area of rest. Make sure the sky matches the light in the painting. Does the painting convince you of a story? Finally Cosby must have said 20 times, you have to give a little to get a little. I would highly reccommend John Cosby to any painter that is looking to improve. He is one of those instructors that can identifiy your level and weaknesses quickly and offer a path to improving your work, all in postive notes. He has so much to offer, I look forward to the next workshop that I am able to attend.
Oil on Linen panel, 11" X 14"
Day 4 John Cosby Workshop - Listening to Cosby speak, sparks pop off in my mind of an idea surfacing and becoming fully illuminated. As an example today the discussion was on creating distance in your painting. Here is the gem: When a structure (tree, pole etc.) that is close to the viewer passes over the distant mountain, soften the edge of the mountain on either side of the structure. Almost to the point of obliterating the edge. Cosby demonstrated this on his painting and the increased feeling of depth was ten fold. Gems are flowing constantly from Cosby, here is one more, simple but amazing true. If you are seeing a problem in your painting, solving the problem area directly isn't always the best solution, sometimes it's better to change something else that relates to the problem. The demonstration for this was Cosby felt his clouds were too green. Instead of changing the cloud color, Cosby put some additional green in the palm tree up in the clouds and that solved the green cloud problem. A real TA-DAA moment.
Oil on Linen panel, 8" X 10"
Day 2 John Cosby Workshop -
Today Cosby started with a demo on composition. What was most interesting was his discussion on leading the eye of the viewer without being obvious. To punctuation his point he lead us through the William Wendt exhibit at the Laguna Museum, picking examples that clearly demonstrated lovely S compositions that actually worked as a circle too, so that the viewers attention never left the canvas. Cosby suggested that all of us read "Composition To Outdoor Painting", by Edgar Payne at least once a year. He explained that each reading you will discover new information that will help us all on the journey to understanding of how to paint. Cosby demonstrated a painting from on the path overlooking the ocean, and spent time reinforcing the concepts from Monday, along with a "palm tree" lesson. The one line about trees that was most enlightening was, to paint the growth pattern. Simple as it sounds, if you move your brush as any plant life grows your painting will already be headed in the right direction. We saw great examples of this in the Wendt exhibit. One last comment, the William Wendt exhibit is breathtaking, if you have the opportunity GO.
Oil on panel, 9" X 12"
Day One, John Cosby Workshop-
Cosby teaches a limited palette, 3 pile of paint method. The result is a very fast way to identify, shift and control the temperature quickly. For plein air painting it's magic. He has spent years finding just the right primary colors, Cadmium Lemon Yellow, Chinese Vermilion and Ultra Maine Blue. The only addition to these is a Titanium/Zinc White. Starting out we mixed 3 piles of the main mass area in the general value, without putting a brush to the panel. I liked this time of mixing to glance at my subject and get familiar slowly, rather then diving in as usual. Next we massed in thinly the main areas, in my case the sand, water and cliff. Finding the focal point and completely working it out was the next step. Then within the large masses we were looking for connections, areas to create interest and always a way to lead the eye to the focal point. And finally a few finishing details of light and dark. The best lesson I gained from the first day was to hold back my darkest dark and lightest light until the very end of the painting, keeping the values toward the middle range. The gift of this waiting, allows the painter to add tiny highlights that really sing and nice deep darks that give a big punch.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Nine artists met at Vasquez Rocks, site of Star Trek filming and early 1900's bank robbers hideout. It was the Santa Clarita Artists Plein Air event for the month, with yours truly as the ring leader. Actually I just arrange the date, upon arrival the artists drift out into the wilderness following their own mojo. I painting happily, till shivering I had 10 minutes till the ranger pad locked the gate for the night.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
A couple of days ago Tammy Marashlian, a staff writer for The Signal newspaper emailed, interest in writing a story on "Chasing Open Spaces III", an exhibit that is hanging at the Canyon Theatre Guild Hallway Gallery. Today, we met with Lorelle Miller, another participating artist, telling Tammy all we could about the project. Then we walked down the road a bit to an open field and spent the next couple of hours painting while she watched and Francisca, the staff photographer took photos. Lorelle and I throughly enjoyed our time painting, just like kids playing their favorite game, I hope that Tammy and Francisca enjoyed their afternoon too. It's not very often that people watch us paint.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
This morning I headed out to Eaton Canyon to meet up with the Thursday Morning Irregulars to paint. I have missed their friendship and good humor more then I realized, it's been a while since I have been able to participate. I am including two photographs, the photo on the bottom is inaccurate with light catching the paint and washed out darks, the photo on the top is what the painting looks like sitting on my studio easel and is more accurate. This is a very clear example of how the photography can kill a painting.
Oil on Linen, 8" X 10"
For those of you who know the Frazier Park exit off the 5 freeway, this is the view at the little bridge behind the Jack In The Box, looking toward the Tejon Ranch. As far as painting it's cold and windy, the rewards are the hues of fall, full of gold.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
$110.00, unframed, shipped U.S.
To Make A Purchase Inquiry from LauraDriving up the narrow road to May Lake this little creek shadows you, meandering near and far. I knew at once that someday I wanted to paint the rocks and fallen logs, today was the day.
Oil on Linen, 12" X 16"
Today driving past the Cottonwood trees in the Santa Clara Riverbed, I remembered the Aspens of Colorado, standing tall along the trails. Here is my version of "Aspens In Fall".
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Collector "Liz" emailed requesting a "Sunday Swim" to add to her personal gallery. And so Liz, this one is for you, my friend.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
The "Chasing Open Spaces III" exhibit has opened at the Canyon Theatre Guild in Old Town Newhall, on Main Street. Rod Edwards, Lorelle Miller and Ernie Dollman joined me in hanging 63 landscape paintings of the Santa Clarita Valley. We are having a reception on Saturday October 11, 5pm - 7pm and you are welcome to come by to visit, see the show and have light refreshments. Also this weekend I'll be displaying another 40 paintings at the Street Art Festival in Old Town Newhall. The Festival is billed as 5 blocks of music, art, a beer garden and street chalk paintings. In between getting ready for these two shows I painted another view of Sand Canyon. I have to apologize for the image posted today, this painting isn't half as dark as it appears on my monitor.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"