Oil on Linen, 16" X 20"
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
Once in a while you luck out and have a receptive and interactive audience when your speaking in public. Today was my lucky day as I was the guest speaker for "60 Minutes With An Artist", in Valencia. The Santa Clarita Artists Association sponsored the event and I had my fingers crossed for at least a few warm bodies in the seats. We had a full house and they were awesome. The time flew as they asked perfect questions to spur me on. To calm down from the fun after arriving back home, I painted a little piece of the Pico Trail.
Oil on canvas, 6" X 8"
At night it's tough to shoot a painting this large, so I backed off and shot from a distance. My easel is Oak, so you can tell this painting isn't as "hot" as it appears. I did want to post this piece as best I could just so you a glimpse of the concept and what I have been painting for the last couple of days. Painting on linen again I am reminded of the elegance and again wonder why I drift away.
Oil on Linen, 20" X 24"
Mt. Wilson Trail heads out above the small village of Sierra Madre. After leaving the lush growth, due to the lower elevation and homeowners generous sprinklers you come face to face with this Palm Tree. Completely out of it's element, flourishing, beating all odds.
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
My third time working from a live model. The difference between this type of painting and working plein air is huge. The light is constant, your inside (no bugs, snakes, wind etc.) and the level of concentration I can reach is much higher. I am in awe looking at the other artists works. A couple hundred more attempts and it will start to click. I am just jazzed with the process and so pleased to have the opportunity.
Oil on panel, 9" X 12"
Our trees have to be confused, 39 degrees one day, 60 degrees the next. Yesterday was one of the sunny days, in a parade of storms. Fox Field in Newhall was sparkling.
A note to artists. Often I don't see an issue with a painting until I blog the image. Tonight I see that the Oak tree creates a dark shape, echoing the smaller tree exactly. Good grief what was I thinking? Even though it was there, it's my job as the "artist" to make sure that each shape is varied and interesting. I'll go back in with paint and change that shape pronto.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Melody Ranch movie studios are two blocks away from home, but forbidden territory to my easel. Driving though the wash in between rain cells this is the view of the back wall. What I would give for a week within the walls.....
Oil on Linen, 16" X 20"
The wind was biting cold, biting right though my jeans this morning, while I was standing high above Walker Ranch.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Exploring compositions in a small format allows for a quick decision as to whether or not a particular view is worth painting on a large canvas. I think this view from an early morning walk along the shore of Castaic Lake has possibilities. Note to artists: This piece was painting on canvas panel, versus my favorite slick wood panel. The canvas caused the brush to stall, little pin holes of white were a distraction and photographing it was a real challenge with the canvas weave catching all sources of light. Can you guess I prefer the wood? oh yeah.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
I learned two important lessons during this 3 hour session with a model. Lesson one, never paint a portrait from the side. Being new to the group I let everyone find their spot, then fit myself in on the side. To me it's just not an exciting view, I miss the models eyes, or at least one eye. Lesson Two, an artist that paints portraits regularly explained to me that it's more elegant to have the head sized down small in relation to the size of the canvas. Last time I had the head quite large, so I attempted in this piece to go smaller. Next time my goal will be to paint looser. I learned so much and am grateful for the opportunity to paint from life.
Oil on Panel, 9" X 12"
I am painting on three commissioned pieces and slipped this little painting in between, so that I could post "Another Day".
Oil on Canvas, 5" X 7"