This painting is about 75% done, but I was feeling neglectful about not blogging, so I am posting the process. The location is a mystery to me, the image was a gift from another artist. Actually she gave me 1,000's of landscape slides, a treasure chest of beautiful locations around the world.
Once the painting sets up a bit, I'll paint the detail. At the same time I will look at the tree tops to make sure they have some interest and add some rocks in the grass to balance the rocks right to left and lead the viewer a bit.

Working large (for me) my first goal was to get paint all over the canvas, to see how the patterns and values would work out. I have the mountain and sky pretty well figured out at this point.

After the line drawing I painted a local color wash
over the whole painting, very loosely. This is the really fun part, big brushes and great music playing.

Here is a little close up of the clouds, that you really can't see in the big photo. After I took this I did soften all the edges and did a little blending with my fingers. Just don't tell anyone, I don't want any lectures on safety.

This is the initial line drawing, in cadmium red light. It's a pretty rough road map for the painting but it allows easy movement of elements.
Oil on Canvas, 24" X 36"