Oil on Linen, 18" X 24"
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
Today while gallery sitting at The Descanso Gardens, I painted the "High Desert". One visitor said, "you are painting and listening to glorious music, can you wish for anything more?" Sincerely, I answered, no. He went on to tell his grandchildren, see what she is doing, this lady is a famous artist! I was very careful not to blow his story by laughing. It was a wonderful day, made even better as I was able to write up two paintings by Belinda DelPesco (check out her blog listed to the right) for a gentleman that is moving from Virginia to sunny California. (I am using the term write up rather then sell because the paintings sold themselves. Exquisite!
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Purchase from the artistThe half frozen lake at R-Ranch had hundreds of ducks, nibbling, preening and floating. The lake really was frozen, I pushed my boot against a sheet of ice near the shore, sending out cracks several feet away from the pressure. Can you imagine being so well insulated that you could float around in ice water perfectly comfortable?
Oil on Canvas, 6" X 8"
Out on horseback I came across this view during last weekends trip to R-Ranch in the Sequoias. Snow was splashed about in the shade and gully's that the sun couldn't reach. It was perfect for sunny Southern California painters that aren't conditioned for cold. We painted the snow without suffering!
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
Painting along side this tiny ice cold creek the light shifted by the second. Within an hour the oil paint was so chilly that it quit working, becoming unwilling to mix or move on the panel. Being from Southern California I am not on to the tricks of the high country painters, something that I need to investigate.
Oil on panel, 7" X 5"
Last weekend as we traveled to the Redwood forest on the road following the Kern River this stunning view appeared. Our small group of painters past the golden sycamores reflecting in the lazy water with visions of pine trees and snow ahead of us.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
I am hanging my "gone painting" shingle. A small band of plein air painters are headed to the Redwoods. We will be staying at a ranch with horses, a lake, forests and a short drive to the "giants". A trip such as this provides new inspiration and is a wonderful kick off to the New Year.
16" X 20", Oil on canvas
Today I was pondering of what to paint for you. My thoughts drifted back to last summer while I was painting in Idaho. The brush started dancing on the linen and before I knew what was happening I was painting the view that I absorbed each afternoon. This bank of trees lined the meadow behind the Blue Heron Inn, where I lodged.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
We have clouds.....so rarely do we have clouds. Driving, I am having difficulty not rear ending the vehicles in front of me because my attention is in the sky. Clouds make shadows upon one another, they make patterns on the ground below and the colors within colors are glorious.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Another artist saw this painting and told me that she knew exactly where these trees live. I thought that seemed impossible, Southern California has sycamore trees along stream beds everywhere. She pulled out a photograph of her painting and sure enough it was the exact same location and trees. She chose a shady spot in the creek under the first tree. Again I am reminded how intimate painters become with each view. In case you are curious these lovely sycamores live along Placerita Creek in the Nature Center. They are almost naked now.....
Oil on Linen, 16" X 20" sold
End of the road in the small village of Val Verde. This painting was a quick plein air, color notes for a future studio piece. Surprising what a bit of rain can do.
Oil on panel, 6" X 8"
Finally, long awaited rain, drifting down from the sky. The creeks ran, branches twinkled and I am sure I could hear the ground slurping with glee.
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
Lady Face Mountain sits south of the 101 Freeway in Agoura. This painting was created from the small study done a few weeks ago. All it needs is a frame and off it will go to it's new home that faces this mountain.
One comment on mountain paintings. As I study the gulleys, fingers, cliffs and all the undulations that make up the structure of the range it's amazing to me how intimate my relationship with the mountain becomes. I would recognize this range now in any painting or photograph instantly. It's similar to the experience of painting a portrait. You learn every inch of the persons face so intensely that it you are connected to the sitter way beyond normal observation. A relationship is created like none other.
Oil on Canvas, 18" X 24"
We didn't hike down the hill, but chose to lean against the log on the ground basking in the sun. Warm in the sun, cool in the shade, it was a picture perfect day on the coast.
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
I have been working on this painting for a few days now. It's far enough along to post. In the morning I'll take a fresh look to see if it's actually "done". Are they ever finished? It seems I am never satisfied, always seeing one more brush stroke needed.
The first time I painted the bridle path that riders take from the equestrian campground to the ocean in Montana De Oro was several years ago. Every year I paint it again, longing to be there.
Oil on canvas, 24" X 20"
We are still waiting for rain.....this is one of thousands of dry creeks, patiently waiting.
Oil on Canvas, 9" X 12"
Today I painted all day on a commission painting, that I started yesterday. When the sun went down and I was spent, I took the big painting off my easel, put up a tiny panel and painted a country road. A very nice way to end the day.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Today I was stroking "Jessie" my daughters horse. Mindlessly, feeling the contours of her body, the direction of her coat as it shifted and I became aware of how warm she was. How warm I was leaning against her side. I can imagine that these cows out on the frozen field are feeling the warmth from one another, waiting for spring.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
The marine layer is making it's way towards Lady Face Mountain from the Pacific.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
The bug that is making it's rounds in Los Angeles, finally struck my home. We have all been ill for days and I have a show on Saturday. Today my legs wouldn't move, but I found sitting I could paint a bit. Even though the temperature was 79 degrees outside I wore my jacket all day, still freezing. This little painting probably wasn't helping. How interesting, I can't talk (silent) and I am freezing....hummm
Oil on Linen, 11" X 14"
I have been unable to find a trail to this pond. Driving east on the 210 Fwy, just past Wheatland, this pond tempts me on every trip. Whizzing by on the freeway I look longingly for as long as possible at 65 miles per hour, making sure I don't rear one of the huge semi-trucks in the slow lane. It doesn't seem to matter, whether it's early in the morning or the final light of the day, it's a glorious golden pond. I think that the view may warrant a large studio painting.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
Last spring, under cloudy skies, I drove from Cambria to Santa Clarita, California. I viewed this little ranch road as I was heading home.
5" X 7", Oil on Panel
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
Almost monochromatic, that was my first thought looking across the road this afternoon. The air is still thick with smoke, draping our valley with it's sheer grey veil. This small painting is of our smokey sunset this evening.
Oil on Raymar Panel, 6" X 8"
Yesterday a strange voice sounded over a bull horn. It was muffled and I ran out the front door, seeing the police cruiser, I knew it was about the fire down the canyon. I have never seen a poker faced police officer, no panic, no clues as to the danger, just his instruction "mandatory evacuation". Ok what do you take? I am usually organized, but faced with no time, making instant decisions was truly tough. My husband and I went into survival mode instantly. We make a tremendous team and each did what we were good at. 10 minutes later we were ready to roll and there was a knock at the door. Another officer just said, "go now", if you don't we can't save you if the situation gets deadly. A few hours later, we were allowed home and left our belongings in the car, just in case.
Today another fire rages on the north side of the valley in San Francisquito Canyon. I have painted the riverbed that snakes through the canyon for the past four years. Listening to the news in my studio, helplessly I painted the hills that hug the west side of the canyon as I remember them and hope that the fire fighters are safe and win!
With the latest commission finished I jumped into this Sand Canyon landscape view. The horse and rider keep engaging my attention. I wonder how far they have to go and how often they ride down this trail and I am a bit envious of the silent communion between the two.
Oil on panel, 16" X 20"
This path is out in San Francisquito Canyon. I was driving up the road and caught this view for one second. Immediately I slammed on the breaks because a painting was waiting just behind me. The whole piece is about the sunlight tickling the trees.
Oil on Panel, 10" X 8"
For the next few days I will be painting on a commission piece for an incredibly patient patron. Nothing else will be worked on until this painting is finished for her. The painting is so close to being complete, the finishing touches are all that remain to be done. I so dearly want the piece to be perfect. Impossible, I know but my goal.
Today painting in the Descano Gallery, I decided to play with the colors of early evening that we have been enjoying this lovely October. This was the last day to paint at the gallery, tomorrow we deflower the walls of the paintings that have lived there for a month. The sold works will be distributed to their new owners and the four of us can go back to our studios and paint BIG again! I have had an almost completed commission tugging at my heart and now I will be able to complete the final 2% and breath easier. It's a wonderful life.....
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"
Over the weekend I painted this piece at the Descanso Gardens Gallery. The show is almost over, only 4 more days, it's amazing how fast a month goes by. Our final reward came today when we saw the elusive Bobcat that lives within the garden. Two leaps and he was across the road and up in the "Y" of an old Oak tree. Truly a magnificent animal. With my heart rate excellerated I went back to my painting "Creekside".
Oil on Panel, 8" X 10"
During a conversation with a museum director, he told me that it takes 1,000 paintings to begin to understand the process, which was another reason to start this blog. This small painting is my 250th post, I am a quarter of the way.
The view is Highway 1, along the Big Sur coast. Today, in the Descanso Gallery I painted this piece with dark clouds brooding above and chilly air drifting in.
Oil on Panel, 8" X 10"
Is there anything more beautiful then puffy yellow clouds on a cerulean blue sky? This is the painting that I worked on Wednesday at the Carriage House Gallery. The highlight of my day was a visit from my high school art teacher. It's not often that you are able to let a teacher see how they personally effected your path. All teachers are treasures, for sure and mine is a spectacular diamond, still sparkling brighter then ever.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10'
Today, in my painting area of gallery 2 at Descanso Gardens I was considering what to paint. On my way to La Canada Flintridge, the mountains kept my attention with gorgeous shades of blue. And so this little landscape was born from memories of color in my mind.
A quick note, I shot the photo by laying the painting in the sun on the drive at the gallery. The sunlight sparkles on the brush strokes but I think the main idea is present.
Oil on panel, 5" X 7"
I painted this piece in the second room of the Descanso Gallery sitting in the dark corner. Making up for the lack of light I pushed the colors until this painting was singing, along with me.
Oil on panel, 8" X 10"