Oil on Canvas, 12" X 16"
Small daily oil paintings, painted in a plein air impressionistic style on stretched canvas or canvas board created and posted regularly. 2012 update: After 6 years, the postings now include larger paintings along with the small works. My goal is to reach 1,000 paintings posted by the end of this year. 2013 update: The original goal was met and exceeded, from now on I will post paintings that are successful or might be of interest.
Oil on Canvas, 12" X 16"
I spent the day with Frederic Edwin Church, or should I say with his paintings. The Huntington Library in San Marino, is hosting "Treasures From Olana, Landscapes by Frederic Edwin Church" until Jan. 3rd. Since the Rose Parade is going to bring millions of visitors into the L.A. area, I took the day to learn from Mr. Church, without having to duck around the throngs of heads destined to invade the gallery. Then I came back to my easel and painted a few "Golden Sycamores". Could a day get any better?
Oil on canvas board, 5" X 7"
In January I am happily heading up a group of plein air painters for our local art association. I went out hunting our first location, hitting an all time favorite spot, the Placerita Canyon Nature Center. Standing in the brush, trees all around I thought about just painting the feeling of the moment, and letting all the "learned" motions that come into painting sit in the background of my mind. So, if I am successful you will "feel" the golden moment of a California winter just before the leaves fall.
Oil on Canvas, 12" X 16" sold
Oil on Canvas Board, 5" X 7"
This is the end of the trail. Peeking though the chaparral I could see the valley below. From this point there isn't a way down, which means the wildlife can live without any fear or disruption from man, this makes me smile in my heart.
Oil on Canvas Board, 6" X 8"
Some of the Cotton Woods still have gold, flitting in the breeze, even with last nights storm.
Oil on Canvas Board, 5" X 7"
At the Pasadena Museum of California Art, one room is full of Puthuff paintings. My nose was 1/4 inch away from these beauties. I was inspired by his treatment of trees and painted "Stark".
Oil on Canvas Board, 5" X 7"
It seems like clouds miss our small valley for so many months that when they do arrive it's all you can see. They move swiftly, creating shadow patterns skipping over the landscape.
Oil on canvas, 11" X 14"
soldThis beautiful tree is surrounded by Coastal Oaks that never alter their green coats. Early in the morning, I just couldn't pass up the chance to paint her. Thanks again to these little paintings for the daily blog I felt that it would be permitted to "feature" one lovely, solo tree in gold.
Oil on Canvas Board, 6" X 8"
One hour was all the Christmas crunch would allow today. After a few paintings using a cooler palette, it was a pleasure to play in gold. "Golden Pond" is the result when the timer rang.
Oil on Canvas, 6" X 8"
soldSilver Pampas grass does not grow naturally in our valley. Landscapers use it often and every time I drive past a clump I slow the car and gaze longingly. The wind and sunlight have a great time dancing in the razor sharp leaves and fluffy tuffs.
Oil on Linen, 9" X 12"
I just couldn't let this field of "Winter White" go, not just yet, and so today's painting is another view. These two may "hang" together.
Oil on Canvas Board, 6" X 8"
As a young lady you are taught the difference between "winter white", worn after Labor Day and "summer white, worn late spring till Labor Day arrives again. This field of dry wild grass was the perfect display of "winter white".
Oil On Canvas, 6" X 8"
First I saw a coyote with gray sides, then two others, smaller, darker. Maybe a family, living in the riverbed, hunting rabbits, drinking our run off. Their lives must be perfect, living in a safe, beautiful river bed, protected from humanity crushing in on the open spaces.
Oil on Canvas Board, 11" X 14"
Oil on Linen Board, 8" X 10"
Oil on Canvas, 16" X 20"
Crystal Cove, Newport Beach at the end of a long day of painting, Jim is still at it. The tide and sun are now joining forces to end our day.
Oil on Canvas, 6" X 8"
The people of Laguna Beach purchased the land in the Laguna Canyon to prevent building and protect the wilderness. Two deer came bounding out of the brush, glanced in my direction and as quickly disappeared back into the brush. Painting in the canyon you can just imagine the early California Plein Air painters, discovering the unique light, the beautiful range of colors and thriving in the healthy beach environment.
Oil on Linen Board, 8" X 10"
November in California. What could be better then cold vanilla ice cream to top off a day at the beach?
Oil on Canvas Board, 5" X 7"
Oil on Canvas, 11" X 14"
There is a comfort in painting a view that you have previously painted. It is never the same, yet familiar and takes you back in time to the original feelings of the place. This bridle path leads to the Pacific Ocean which is where I am headed in a couple of hours and so the subject seemed just perfect for today.
Oil on Canvas, 5" X 7"
Next week I'll be painting in Laguna Beach, a completely different sense of light and color from my usual high desert landscapes. "Path To Paradise" is a piece painted from sketches done on a trip to Kaui.
Oil on Canvas
Today I was exploring new colors and toying again with looking out from under a tree into the daylight. Days of exploration are not always successful, and yet these days can be the most exciting. Discoveries, revelations abound and my brush grew!
Oil on Canvas Board, 6" X 8"
It happens in a few days, or so it seems, the fall colors are blazing in full glory. I am late for my show reception, please forgive and enjoy!
Oil on Canvas Board, 6" X 8"
Classic California view, gorgeous mountains bathing in the last of the light for the day and a path leading you home. To top it off, I had to pleasure of painting this moment of "Evening Light".
Oil on Canvas Board, 5" X 7"
This tiny creek boarders a bird sanctuary about 20 miles from my home. The small tunnel allows the creek to flow under the road. If you are very quiet you'll see Egrets and Cranes in the foliage along the creek.
Oil on Canvas, 3" X 5"